
About MÁstesÓn

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Design is not making beauty, beauty emerges from selection, affinities, integration, love.

Louis Kahn

We always wanted to learn and understand the world and we travel, ask, and learn as much as we can throughout the years. But as much as we travel, even working in media, we always felt that something went missing. It is not an easy task to come to understand what happen, why, and more important how what is going on does affect individuals, human beings. In order to have a full understanding of the complex realities of the world and how these realities transform people’s life we decided to approach issues in a different way. Time is the key. We could call it Slow Journalism, because we give time to the people. We could call it Documentary Journalism, because it goes deeply into the issues and squeeze the story until the last drop; and we could say it is Fine Art Journalism, because you might want to discover it in a museum… but it doesn’t fits exactly in any of those or maybe it does in all of them, actually.

We combine not only journalistic but literary and artistic techniques to explain what we witness from unprecedented perspective: people is portrayed by lighting and writing in a dramatic chiaroscuro and a storytelling that gives them voice underlining the lights and shadows of their inner conflicts through their eyes and words so they become the ones portraying themselves. .

Nice to meet!

Curabitur augue, nec finibus mauris pretium eu. Duis placerat ex gravida nibh tristique porta.

Nuria Tesón
spanish writer & journalist

Whats Up!

Adipiscing elit curabitur eu adipiscing lacus eu adipiscing lacus, a iaculis diam.

Miguel Ángel Sánchez
Studio photographer

Nice to meet!

Curabitur augue, nec finibus mauris pretium eu. Duis placerat ex gravida nibh tristique porta.

Julianne hurrell
account manager

What people say?

“The two languages, that of light and that of words, therefore have meanings of their own, but their combined effect in a single work is to strengthen each other mutually”.

Fidel Sendagorta, Spanish ambassador in Egypt.

What people say?

"Mr. Sánchez has photographed 110 residents of Cairo in his studio. Musicians. Painters. Ministers. Bloggers. Greengrocers. Shoe shiners. Political activists. Even animals. He photographs each one dramatically, with chiaroscuro, or a vivid contrast between light and dark. His images borrow a great deal from masters of Baroque painting like Caravaggio, both in their tenebrism and their realism."

The New York Times

What people say?

“Alors que les élections législatives battent leur plein en Egypte au prix d'une vague de violence sans précédent entre révolutionnaires et armée, le travail de l'artiste espagnol Miguel Angel Sánchez peut paraître déroutant. S'inspirant des oeuvres du Caravage et de Ribera, il réalise depuis la révolution des portraits d'Egyptiens en majesté, solennels et répétitifs, nimbés d'un clair-obscur théâtral, présentant des personnages impassibles qui semblent à mille lieues des bouleversements sociaux et politiques qui ont gagné leur pays”.

Le Monde

Why Choose Us?

We believe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, c-r adipiscing elit. In maximus ligula semper metus pellentesque mattis. Maecenas volutpat, diam enim.

We’re Punctual

Proin fringilla augue at maximus vestibulum. Nam pulvinar vitae neque et porttitor. Praesent sed nisi eleifend, lorem fermentum orci sit amet, iaculis libero.

We have magic

Curabitur iaculis accumsan augue, nec finibus mauris pretium eu. Duis placerat ex gravida nibh tristique porta. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse ultricies eros blandit.