

lighting & writing stories around the world

About Mástesón

Light and words have meanings of their own, but their combined effect is to strengthen each other.


MásTesón was created in 2009 by the studio photographer Miguel Ángel Sánchez & the jornalist Nuria Tesón.

We travel around the world since 2009 creating photographic and literary projects, always looking for people and groups of population who are struggling to survive. We focus on those who are fighting to maintain their dignity, their essence, their culture and their roots and whose very existence is threatened due to religious, political or social reasons.

Lights, shadows & words working together hand in hand. Witness of a world continuously changing.


Nuria Tesón
writer & journalist


Miguel Ángel Sánchez
Studio  photographer

Hello & Welcome!

Julianne Hurrell
field assistant

What people say?

“The two languages, that of light and that of words, therefore have meanings of their own, but their combined effect in a single work is to strengthen each other mutually”.

Fidel Sendagorta, Spanish ambassador in Egypt.

What people say?

"Mr. Sánchez has photographed 110 residents of Cairo in his studio. Musicians. Painters. Ministers. Bloggers. Greengrocers. Shoe shiners. Political activists. Even animals. He photographs each one dramatically, with chiaroscuro, or a vivid contrast between light and dark. His images borrow a great deal from masters of Baroque painting like Caravaggio, both in their tenebrism and their realism."

The New York Times

What people say?

“Alors que les élections législatives battent leur plein en Egypte au prix d'une vague de violence sans précédent entre révolutionnaires et armée, le travail de l'artiste espagnol Miguel Angel Sánchez peut paraître déroutant. S'inspirant des oeuvres du Caravage et de Ribera, il réalise depuis la révolution des portraits d'Egyptiens en majesté, solennels et répétitifs, nimbés d'un clair-obscur théâtral, présentant des personnages impassibles qui semblent à mille lieues des bouleversements sociaux et politiques qui ont gagné leur pays”.

Le Monde


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+20 120 2165653